
Media Relations

What matters is not “how much” but “how” to communicate.
Since 2006, we have been working passionately to build lasting relationships. We relate to the media by involving them in our projects, stirring their interest over time, creating an emotional connection with them. We construct a sound brand reputation in a world that is increasingly filled with information, where quality and authenticity are synonymous with success.

In a few words

  • press office
  • online and offline PR
  • marketing PR
  • media planning
  • events

Writing is not rocket science, but an authentic storytelling can raise the brand awareness up to stellar levels.

We use journalistic language and techniques to tell the multi-faceted story of your company and carry out healthy information; we capture the interests of your audience and study them to create a value to share with the users and open up enriching and exciting conversations.

In a few words

  • brand identity
  • brand journalism
  • copywriting
  • sector and audience analysis
  • newsletter and marketing automation
  • SEO and article marketing

Brand Journalism

Contents management

Storytelling is the most effective way to get right to people’s hearts.

We develop tailor-made projects to help brands build their identity – or reinforce it – through the storytelling and the development of specific content related to the product, the ambassadors or the company. We think of new ideas and new forms to engage users in depth while increasing emotional awareness.

In a nutshell:

  • development of project outlines
  • creation of side projects
  • management of stakeholders involved in projects
  • brand content
  • product contents
  • ambassador involvement

The social media are a window onto the world and everyone would like to look at a breathtaking panorama.

We devise purposeful strategies to let you enjoy an amazing view every day, we take care of your social media with original contents, tailor-made for your brand and its style, we deliver campaigns to enhance engagement, promote the products, and develop a robust and interactive community.

In poche parole:

  • website
  • Social Media Marketing strategy
  • Social Media Contents
  • copy
  • photos
  • CRM
  • adv campaigns



Everyone has a story, but not everyone knows how to tell it.
We just love to talk with people, listen to them and dive into their life perspective; we like to discuss with them until late at night, on the phone at length or sipping a glass of wine.
That is why we are always committed to find the right words and the proper tone of voice to communicate naturally and authentically. We are not just a press office, as we keep preserved the sacred relationship that is created between someone and their audience, based on participation and sharing.

In a few words

  • social profiles management
  • PR
  • events
  • educational